Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Normal healthy reverse sleep pattern confirmed

I have received expert medical advice that apparently I may have a normal and healthy but completely reversed sleep pattern.

Picked up a doctor who was an expert in sleep from the airport and managed to have a good chat to him as we drove around looking for a chemist that would sell him the special soap he wanted that wasn't available in New Zealand.

He explained to me that not everybodies circadian rhythms run off sunlight like the majority of the populations and that there is a percentage of the population who have body clocks that operate on a different time schedule. I explained my lifestyle, etc to him and he was of the (expert) opinion that I probably did have a reversed circadian rhythm.

I asked him what the best thing to do about it was and he explained that it is perfectly natural and if you can then the best thing to do is to find a way to adjust your lifestyle so that it fits in with your sleep cycle. There are medications that can "fix" it but these aren't very good for you and should only be used if absolutely vital.

He was an expert in his field so I'm going to cling to his advice for dear life. It certainly explained a lot to me

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